“I’ve enjoyed the pleasure of having Alicia Forest as my coach for some time now. I’m quite grateful to say that I have grown, not only professionally and within my business, but personally by leaps and bounds! Alicia listens, shows up, and provides unique guidance that fits my individual needs. I am so thankful for all of the care, expertise, and wisdom Alicia has shared with me along the years. Thank you for being an excellent coach!”

Elizabeth Scala, MSN/MBA, RN, Coach, Reiki Master

“Before joining the LBWG, I had a very small list of mainly family and close friends who were in my personal address book. I had no idea where to go to find more people or what to do next. Alicia offered simple ideas and suggestions that I could implement each week, often in very little time.

During the month the group met, my list grew exponentially. Since the group has ended, during one month I set a goal to add 100 new names to my list– and I reached that goal! It’s exciting to see new subscribers flooding into my mailbox every single day!

What’s even more exciting is that I have only implemented just a few of Alicia’s tips and techniques —I can only imagine how much faster my list will grow as I continue to follow Alicia’s instructions.

I have been teaching communication skills for 10 years. During that time I have taught and participated in hundreds of classes — and I was BLOWN AWAY at the amount and quality of information Alicia shared with the group each week.

As I move forward in my business I often refer back to the list-building strategies Alicia taught me. What she taught during the LBWG is the most valuable business information I have learned.

If you’ve never taken anything from Alicia — make this class your first. Your business will move to a higher level as a result!”

Felicia J. Slattery, M.A., M.Ad.Ed.
Communication Consultant, Speaker & Coach

“Alicia, so many of these strategies have been floating through my mind, but to have an experienced mentor put them all in order (plus details of implementation) helped decrease the noise in my mind, and get me into action.

I *knew* the ezine box was really important, but my web designer and developer didn’t understand that, and couldn’t really give me help or guidance. Seeing that you placed many strategies related to the ezine box at the top of the list, I realized I wasn’t wrong to give it a lot of attention. Strategies #9 through #13, #15, #19, #30 and #32 weren’t on my radar yet. It was great to learn about all these new possibilities. #32 seems really fun and easy — I never would have guessed it was effective.

The level of clarity and organization with which you deliver emails, reminders, preparation ideas, downloadable content, the support blog, etc. give an excellent support structure! Again, this reduced any sense of potential overwhelm.

The amount of detail and sample language you gave made an overwhelming-seeming project a lot less overwhelming. I like how down-to-earth your style is, and it’s grounded in a lot of specifics. You’re very concise and articulate.
I *loved* that the class took place over a month so that I could chew on things and attempt implementation. Being able to ask you questions was extremely attractive and of immense added value.

Thanks for the amazing work you’re doing! I can tell you put a lot of care and energy into all you do.”

Laila Atallah

“Even though I had created a website and been publishing an ezine for nearly a year for my niche market, I really knew very little about building a business online. My poor list was growing so slowly it was painful. I knew I needed help, but wasn’t sure where to turn. By serendipity I ended up on Alicia’s mailing list, loved her integrity and clear writing style. I trusted this product and class were just what I wanted.

I jumped in with enthusiasm and never missed a beat. My knowledge expanded and I grew so much with this program. For example, I fine-tuned my niche even more and surveyed my list to find out what their problems were. I created a free ecourse as another enticement to sign up for my ezine list. Lots more. But probably most gratifying to me was learning all the ways to grow my list. I implemented several and my list grew by 40% in six weeks.

Joining this group kept me on task and accountable. I highly recommend it!”

Susan Henderson
Coaching/Consulting for Creative Multipreneurs

“I came to Alicia’s program thinking I knew most of the strategies and information that would be provided. I signed up because I liked the idea of having accountability for putting list building strategies into action, and because I had recently made growing my newsletter list a priority. Much to my surprise and delight, I learned so many things that I didn’t know. Many of the strategies Alicia provided are ideas I have not heard of in my 10 years of running and marketing my business.

Just in the short time the class was running, I applied several strategies, resulting in a 25% increase in my list! As I apply other strategies I learned, I know I will experience even faster growth, with well-qualified people signing up. Even better, Alicia’s ideas can be implemented with little or no cost! I am looking forward to continuing to grow my list and having an audience that wants my coaching and my products! Thanks Alicia!”

Gillian Hood-Gabrielson
Healthier Outcomes

“I have implemented just three of Alicia’s list-building strategies and already the number of people who are signing up for my email list has increased by 50%!”

Anne Marie Bennett

“This Building your List Workgroup was exactly what I needed to boost my business. Alicia explained in a simple and relaxed way how to implement the 32 strategies. Prior to her class I did not know any the “secrets” of how to grow my list. Alicia’ simple instructions helped me to build my list 50% just in two weeks! Thanks Alicia!”

Karin Vrij
Health and Wellness Coach (ACE)

“Alicia Forest transformed my business. As a participant in her 21 Steps Take Action Group, I more than doubled my mailing list before the first class! That’s the kind of result you can expect from her clear, powerful and easy-to-implement strategies.

The scope and vision of my business has expanded and I know I have the ability and the tools to grow into the entrepreneur I am meant to be!”

Jamie Ridler MA CPCC
Creative Living Coach & Director of Jamie Ridler Studios

“Since I purchased Alicia’s program the traffic to my website has increased dramatically and my subscriber database has already increased by over 10%.

Thank you, Alicia, for finally creating a marketing program that has everything I need – good information, steps, a timeline and resources to complete those steps.”

Best wishes,
Kristine McKinley

“I just wanted to let you know my newsletter sign-ups are definitely up! I am definitely noticing an increase in subscriptions – it’s WONDERFUL!!!!!!”

Jenn Givler
The Queen of Thriving Holistic Businesses

“Hi Alicia. I’m just working through your 21 Steps program that I purchased from you a couple of weeks ago.

I wanted to tell you how fantastic I think it is and how much it is helping me – even though I thought I had things very much synced! I am only on page 46 (Step 2) but already I have learned so much more about myself and who I want to work with, I can’t wait to make it through to the other side.

I have to tell you, I couldn’t put the exercises down (I have them filed in a binder). In the end I had to tell myself to stop as I’ve got to get the web site written! You’ve really thought of everything.

Many thanks for your time and thanks, again, for your 21 Steps!”

Karen Knowler | The Raw Food Coach

“I purchased Alicia’s 21 STEPS about six weeks ago on the recommendation of a friend, and I will never regret it.

In that six weeks, I have implemented just three of the 21 STEPS and already the number of people who are signing up for my “pink spoon” has increased about 50%. I have also done a Zoomerang Survey with my newsletter readers and that was the best idea yet!

I now have solid, valid, real-time information about what my readers are looking for.

Alicia is a good writer, but not only that, she really cares about her clients. She is quick to answer emails, and her correspondence always makes me smile. I am so grateful to her for sharing her gifts with the world…. her work is making MY work a whole lot more enjoyable, expansive, productive, and lucrative!”

Anne Marie Bennett

“Hi Alicia,
I also wanted to chime in about how happy I am with your 21 Steps program. I have purchased several other marketing programs, and while they all provided good information, none provided the steps, resources and direction I was looking for.

21 Steps provides the exact steps I need to take, and when I need to take them! 21 Steps also provides many of the resources I was looking for – where to post my articles, worksheets, webhosting sites, etc.

Since I purchased your program the traffic to my website has increased dramatically and my subscriber database has already increased by over 10%.

Thank you, Alicia, for finally creating a marketing program that has everything I need – good information, steps, a timeline and resources to complete those steps.

I’m looking forward to learning more from you in your weekly emails and the coaching cafe.”

Kristine McKinley

“Alicia, before meeting you and purchasing the 21 Steps, I had been in business for about 5 years. Your program is what turned things around for me.

Before working through the 21 Steps, I was floundering around… even though I had purchased other programs, and books, and e-courses… The 21 Steps was so easy to follow, and the Steps were so easy to implement.

Thank you for sharing this completely reputable system that can lead anyone to success!”

Jenn Givler
Business Empowerment Maven

“I’m so excited! I just ordered my copy (the binder version because I love to make notes and turn pages!) and can’t wait to start in on it.

Thank you Alicia for all your hard work in putting this together for me and all other coaches who are determined to make good happen in our lives and for others!”

Debbie Lousberg

“Alicia is wonderful about her advice. She takes the time to address you personally! I couldn’t believe it. She’s soo generous and professional!

My head has kept thinking on her fabulous ideas. She’s great! ”

Ana Perusquia

“Prior to participating in the 21 Steps Take Action Group, I was feeling a sense of overwhelm, and a feeling that my business, because it is based on providing professional services, was limited. We all only have 24 hours in a day, so because my business is based on “selling my time” I was feeling like I didn’t have anywhere to “grow”.

I met Alicia and learned about her 21 Steps program, heard all the wonderful reviews and I jumped at the opportunity to purchase the program when the revised version came out.

I knew I needed to create passive income streams in order to take my business to the next level and I am a firm believer in investing in your business!

When I heard about the TAG Group, I felt like it was the answer to my next problem; which was “ok, when do I find the time to read through and implement this program?” I am busy and I sometimes find it difficult to “schedule” my business development time.

I knew this would be perfect; a weekly set time to be taught the program step by step and an interactive time each week to brainstorm with the group. I love interacting in a group environment, and I was motivated to work through this program, and the group gave me the accountability that was essential!

This has been one of the best investments I have made in my business. By working through the program step by step, I have learned and begun applying list building, product development, and networking steps into my business and I am already seeing the results.

I have also developed great relationships with other professionals in the class and in my opinion those opportunities are always priceless! I have picked up two new clients since starting the program (one of them being a member of the class!), launched my blog, created my free taste, and also held my first webinar.

Alicia is a fabulous teacher, and every aspect of this class demonstrates her skills, knowledge, talents and integrity. She gives of herself fully; this is not a “tease” for something more. This program provides all of the tools and resources you need to begin taking action and creating your passive income streams. It exceeded all of my expectations which in this day and age, is something that I really “rave” about!

I would be happy to speak to anyone who has questions or is thinking about investing in their business and are not quite sure if this is the program for them. I will share my experiences and answer questions to the best of my abilities.

Because of this group I now have the confidence and knowledge to take the ideas that before were just bouncing around inside of my head, and implement the steps to create the passive income my business needs!”

LauraLee Sparks
The Simple Solution Virtual Assistance

“Alicia, before starting the 21Steps Program I was an award-winning actress with a one-woman show, a speaker and a forgiveness coach without a plan on how to expand my business by creating an online presence, without any information products to sell and without a clear sense of what steps to take in the right order.

It’s just weeks, with the direction and focus from you through the live calls, the support and accountability of the group and the additional support of the members of the coaching cafe I hired my first Virtual Assistant-to hand off the technical ‘stuff’ to, created my first information product (which was edited brilliantly by Lou Bortone, a fellow 21Stepper), held my first two teleseminars, and I’m in the process of setting up my automated systems! Yeah!

I’ve shifted from a sense of confusion and overwhelm into clarity, focus and direction. Now I can reach even more people with my message of forgiveness.”

Brenda Adelman
Out of Shame, Into Forgiveness, Onward to Freedom

“Wow! You can actually run a business using the internet! And Alicia shows you how.

I have set up an invite site, improved my ezine, written articles and marketed them and am beginning to get into social networking. All of this is building my list of people who are interested in what I have to offer. There’s a huge world out there and Alicia shows you how to get access to it.

Before 21Steps I already had a website which was very pretty but was not doing much because the strategy was unfocused. I had no way of telling the world what I did in a way that they could understand. I had no idea how to make people really interested in my services. I thought selling a service was so difficult and it was luck if anyone discovered me.

I now have a strategy for online marketing and specific steps I can implement to reach my goals. I have something specific to say and can give a clearer message to my niche, who have problems I can show them how to solve. This is no “hard sell”, this is showing my skills to the parts of the universe that are ready to receive what I have to offer.

I have had my name out there on the web because of the articles I have written, signups to my list are now continuous instead of occasional and I have been able to focus on one niche and create an invite site that, with the power of focus, will bring in the clients I want. Half way through the 21 steps I got a top notch coaching client as a direct result of my focus on niche. I’m still working on the final part of the 21 Steps but I’m already feeling the benefit of this course.

If you want to get an online presence that will benefit you and the rest of the world do this course.

If you have any questions over the value of this course email me!”

Liz Copeland
Nutrition and Health Coach
London, UK


Your program was exactly what I needed to jump-start my action.

And talk about RESULTS!!!

During the program, I successfully created a new e-course, a new 20 Powerful Minutes Presentation preparation service with accompanying sales page, was interviewed for my first podcast, recorded a podcast myself, created a new brand image for my professional communication consulting work, completed a new website, and identified my ideal clients.

I used your suggestions for list-building and I increased my list by more than 100 names in just one month—and that number has climbed to well over 1000 since and continues to grow daily. Further, I have more paying clients and people signing up for my paid services regularly now. My cash flow has gone from a trickle to a deluge in just weeks!

I am thrilled I was able to be a part of your 21 Steps Action Group. Your work is amazing – and so simple to follow!

I’ve taken several telecourses with you in the past and each was wonderful for helping me develop a specific part of my business. But what I was missing was a comprehensive plan to pull all the bits and pieces together.

Of course having your most recent edition of 21 Easy and Essential Steps to Online Success System is a great tool. But personally, I know myself and to be motivated to actually follow all the steps you so clearly lay out in the book, I knew I would need some kind of structured class in order to get the work done.

I felt totally supported along the way and loved knowing I had you in my corner offering me specific help to solve my particular challenges as they arose.

What I enjoyed most has been the interaction with you as well as the other group members on each call. Because I work only part-time hours from home and am alone in most of my business decisions, your group enabled me to get out of my own head and bounce some ideas around with others.

I loved having the group to turn to for information on niche development, teleclass suggestions, and even for feedback on my new book now under development.

Does your program help people succeed? You bet it does! Anyone who follows your simple steps and participates with the support of you and the group will definitely succeed.

I’d love to share my experience with anyone who is interested in learning more. Just send ‘em my way.”

Felicia J. Slattery, M.A., M.Ad.Ed.
Communication Consultant, Speaker & Coach

“I am absolutely thrilled that I joined the 21 Steps Take Action Group. This is my second time going through the 21 Steps and the added benefit of Alicia’s coaching is amazing.

I bought 21 Steps when it first came out in 2006. Even though I had been in business for quite some time at that point, the 21 Steps really helped me focus, and add new, effective systems to my business. I was able to more easily reach the people I wanted to reach, and I was able to create income on a regular basis in my business.

Then when I saw that Alicia was adding TAG to her offerings, I jumped on it. In fact, I couldn’t get into the group fast enough! I knew 21 Steps worked tremendously the first time… and it was so easy, I followed it really well on my own. But, with the added benefit of meeting with Alicia and the other entrepreneurs each week, I knew my business was going to take yet another turn.

I was right. My business has become even more effective since joining the 21 Steps TAG. I’ve re-focused my niche, and I went deeper with the mission and vision of my business. As a result, I’m gaining record numbers of e-zine subscribers, I’ve made several amazing business connections, I’m getting a ton more exposure, and of course, I’m gaining new clients as well!

If you are considering joining the 21 Steps TAG but you still aren’t sure, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to go into fine detail about exactly why I’ve purchased 21 Steps twice, and why I jumped on the Take Action Group.”

Jenn Givler

“Participating in the ’21 Steps Take Action Group’ has been an awesome educational experience! Before I started in the group, I was floundering my way through establishing an online prescence for my business. I had some important bits and pieces implemented that I uncovered during my own research. But, I knew I was missing something. I was spending a lot of time trying to implement an online strategy, and I was not confident I was doing it right—which was a HUGE waste of time. I made a choice to shorten my learning curve. That’s why I jumped at the chance to sign up for this group!

The program introduced me to a step-by-step approach that helped me complete critical tasks toward establishing an online business. With each step I completed, I felt I was building the strength of my online business. I was extremely motivated knowing others in the group were working on the very same tasks, and I could ask for help when needed. I no longer felt so alone in this online journey!

The most significant improvements I’ve experienced, so far working with the program, are I learned how to do things that I hadn’t even thought about doing before in building an online business…like really fine-tuning who my market niche is, and finding out where they hang out. (It’s hard to believe that I was doing this activity all wrong!). Also, Alicia tells what resources are the best ones to use, and how to really find out what my market wants. Best of all, I know I made much greater forward progress by participating in the group, than had I continued to try to do it all on my own.

Through research, I found I was offering my market a product they wanted. But, I was communicating my marketing message wrong! So, I renamed my core product and rolled out the *new and improved* version this week, and my subscribers bought! I’m now earning more money online, and I can guarantee you I would not have accomplished this without the TAG.

In a nutshell, I defined my niche, identified additional niches to market to, created two new for-fee products, a new free taste, I refined my marketing message, and optimized my web site, built my list—and I’m not finished, yet!

I would be thrilled to speak with anyone about this coaching program, and give it my highest recommendation. Thanks, Alicia!”

Bonita L. Richter, MBA
Executive V.P.
Profit Strategies
Palatine, IL


Your 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System(TM) Take Action Group has helped me align and clarify my business goals and purpose.

Before taking your class, I was very confused on how to infuse both my physical (Aromatherapy) products and my services (future information products) together. I was struggling with this for a long time before taking your class and as I journeyed through your process, I had an A~HA moment and it became so crystal clear. Plus, I did not have a well-defined niche.

Now because I have taken your 21 Easy Step Success System, I not only have I narrowed down my niche, but I now have all these tools to implement into my business that are going to allow me to find the people who I really want to work with and who are going to benefit most from my products.

I cannot begin to tell you how much of a weight you have lifted off my shoulders! I’ve redesigned my website because of your help with clarifying my vision. I’ve also created information products which I never thought I’d be able to do. I’ve developed a new email signature line, tagline and now have a unique way to verbally tell people what I do with my new 30-second introduction. Plus, I’ve implemented new ezine ideas and have added a sign-up box with my new free taste-all this and more has materialized because of your help and your amazing 21 Easy Step Success System.
I also have to say how great the whole group taking the class has been with feedback and with inspiring each other-it’s been such a pleasure! Thank you!

If anyone questions the value of your coaching program, please have them call/email me. I’ll be happy to talk to them about it. ”

Gina Rafkind

“I would like to sincerely send my thanks to Alicia whose courses have offered me a light on a dimly lit path to success online.

Alicia’s TAG course has completely led me to my niche markets, taught me how to interact with them, and create wonderful programs that keep them in our online school and sending referrals our way. We are growing leaps and bounds.

For all of the “traditional” bricks and mortar people who said this couldn’t be done and that online learning had nothing to offer, we have proven ourselves in ways we didn’t even

All the while I’ve been able to maintain the joy that took me down this road in the first place.

Alicia, thank you for all that you have taught me and for helping me serve a community who was ready to go online. May you continue to have great success.

update: Since I’ve written this email even more has happened. We are exploding with new business and developing a new online learning site for Swedish students who need tutoring and tutors who need students. It’s way too much fun!”

Very truly yours,
Valarie Budayr
Co-owner and Director of Public Relations

“I debated signing up for Alicia’s TAG because it was already started before I even realized it was available. I came in several weeks late. I came to the weekly tele-classes to get what I could from them.
Let me tell you, I got a LOT!

Alicia provided so many pieces that were missing in my puzzle. She provided specific answers. She shared generously from her own knowledge and experience.

She gave me the confidence to continue and advance one step at a time, knowing that when I needed an answer, it would be available.

Sometimes, having an expert to provide answers to a few critical questions makes a huge difference.
Alicia is that expert. She makes it all seem easy.”

Ann Bell, Artist
Houston, Texas


I feel so much better prepared than before I enrolled in your program!

As a result of working with you, I hired a VA, set up my free taste, and am getting ready to put out my first e-book, “4 Weeks to a Happy Marriage”. I am adding groups to my business, both via telephone and in-office and my enthusiasm and commitment to my success has never been higher!

Just so you know, the most useful steps for me were Step 10, Generating Traffic and Building my List and Steps 16-18, creating my first for-fee product.

I also loved connecting with you on the phone and the audios are priceless, especially when I was unable to make the calls.

You are an inspirational role model and I appreciate all that you do for the internet marketing world. My hat’s off to you.”

Harriette Lowenstein, MA, LMFT

“When I started Alicia’s 21 Step TAG I had worked through her 21 Steps manual but in a piecemeal fashion. What I was hoping to get from working with her through the 21 Steps TAG was focus, a clear understanding of my niche, and a strategy for taking my business forward. As I write this we’re only halfway through the course and BOY am I getting what I was hoping for!!

My niche has become much clearer; in fact I am very clear on my target market. I am more focused, and I have made several changes to my business as a result. Participating in the weekly calls and the discussion list has generated so many ‘Ah-a’ moments for me, something which I don’t think I would ever have managed on my own without the support of Alicia and the other members of the TAG.

Since starting the TAG I have launched my second product, set up a separate website for my ezine, am feeling more focused in my business, and have a clear path for how I am going to take my business forward into the future.

Alicia, if you ever get anyone wanting to speak with a past ‘TAG graduate’ I’d be more than happy to speak with them. Your TAG has been invaluable to me.”

Tracey Lawton

“I can’t say enough about getting the chance to work with Alicia. After attending her OBBW Workshop I signed up on the spot to work with her privately. To kick off our work together I attended a full day private retreat where together we mapped out a plan for my business, my launches, my marketing and how to generate the income I was looking to achieve. Not only did I leave the retreat with exactly what I was looking for but much more. Alicia gives you everything and doesn’t hold back. I’m so fortunate to have her as both a mentor and friend and I can’t recommend her highly enough. It will be one of the best business decisions you will ever make.”

Jeannie Spiro

“I’ve attended retreats, both virtual and in-person, with some of the best business coaches out there. And I can honestly say – my time with Alicia was time well-spent and I would do it again in a heartbeat! She was so well-prepared for our in-person retreat, having every aspect of my business mapped out before I had arrived – which allowed us to jump right in! Her business coaching and intuitive guidance was spot-on, and her powerful questions led to many breakthrough moments. And to top it off, her detailed retreat follow-up totally blew me away! She captured every thought, every idea, and every thread of discussion – and gave me even more juicy nuggets to ponder. I have never felt so taken care of in my business!”

Tina Games

“Alicia always has such great content to share and she delivers it with style and grace. Her teaching is authentic and effective. It resonates well with entrepreneurs like me who tend to be scattered with too many ideas but not enough focus. Alicia’s guidance and direction has always helped ground me and my business while honoring my entrepreneurial spirit. Her solid know how, heart and wisdom guarantees a valuable experience every time. Don’t miss out if you have the opportunity.”

Connie Hammer

“The two days I spent in person with Alicia were probably the best two days I’ve ever spent working on my business.  Alicia had me thinking bigger than I ever had before and guided me through creating a plan for my business for the year.  I’m very excited about the possibilities for this year and I know with her support, I’m going to accomplish great things!”

Sandy Rees, CFRE

“The content, the exercises and the interactions with the other attendees make the OBBW a MUST. The sessions are content rich; the exercises thought-provoking and certain to get you into gear and taking action.

It’s a workshop that has value for any business owner who wants to use the internet to grow their business. Participants in 2010 came from all over the world, had online and/or ‘bricks and mortar’ businesses; some were just starting out, others were seasoned business owners – all were agreed that OBBW was well worth attending. In fact I’ve a feeling that many of us will be there again next year!

Alicia is extremely knowledgeable, very informative, very authentic & transparent and extremely approachable often staying during breaks to talk to attendees.”

Gillian Pritchett, MA. CPFA.
Business consultant and coach

“I came to Alicia Forest’s OBBW confused and unclear about the direction I wanted to take my business. On day two of the workshop, when we worked through our Signature System, the clouds parted and my vision for my business became clearer than it’s been in months! Not only do I now have a Signature System, but I have focus and clarity around the clients I most want to work with and how I will support them. That alone was worth every penny of this workshop to me.

I loved the intimate size of this workshop which allowed me to connect with the other participants on a personal level. Alicia’s authenticity and warmth nurtures an environment of sharing, compassion and growth that I’ve not experienced anywhere else. I am excited about my business again and ready to move confidently toward my goals for the coming year.”

Jackie Cunningham
Green Kite Virtual Assistance

“Alicia, thank you again for your guidance! I am having an AWESOME summer! I feel so peaceful & relaxed, and I’m having so much FUN with my family — and just like you said, the momentum in my business & interest in my services has grown substantially!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!”

Dana D’Orsi

“Alicia’s OBBW Workshop was EXACTLY what my business needed at this moment.

Not only did I discover that I do indeed have a Signature System, but I found the confidence to finally commit to taking my business to the next level.

By the time I boarded my plane home I had crafted my entire business plan for 2011 which included what products I was launching, the timeline for all my launches and the exact breakdown of how I was going to reach my new income goal.

It was so exhilarating to see it all come together…. I had been piecing things together unsuccessfully for years and realized that what I really needed was someone to take my hand and show me how to set it up from start to finish. Happily, that’s exactly what I got!

Two thumbs way up for Alicia’s OBBW!”

Sarah Novak
Cancer Coach

“I attended Alicia’s OBB workshop and I am so glad that I did. I flew from Vancouver to New Hampshire and it was a leap of faith.

As soon as I met Alicia, I knew that I had made a great decision to attend the OBB workshop. Alicia is as genuine as she is in her newsletters.

She is a skilled speaker and successful business woman who gave me tools on the first day that I could implement as soon as I got home. The three day workshop what packed with the exact things that Alicia did to grow her business to multiple six figures.

I made a great decision to attend the workshop, and hope to work with Alicia again. Thank you, Alicia, for giving me the tools I needed!”

Lori Lach
Vancouver, BC

“I got real clarity around my signature system at Alicia’s OBBW event and this means I can bring forward developing products by about three months!

It was wonderful to connect with Alicia in person and she gave huge value with her gracious, honest style – would highly recommend attending!”

Cathy Presland

“I have spent the past 9 months working 1-on-1 with Alicia as a Platinum client, so why in the world would I pay travel expenses to attend a workshop focused on topics I’ve covered with her already? Well, for two reasons.

  1. I’ve started a second business and needed to outline my signature system. Yes, I could have done this one my own, but it’s difficult to set aside the time in my normal surroundings. PLUS, I had a ton of ideas running through my mind and it was INVALUABLE to have someone to bounce my thoughts off of and receive direct feedback (thank you to Cathy!).
  2. Attending a live workshop is a fantastic opportunity for me to meet individuals I see online face-to-face and better determine the potential for future collaborations.

And as an added FYI, I didn’t hear a single person attending OBBW say one negative thing about the content Alicia provided. So many attendees were raving about how much information they received and how open Alicia is about sharing her business, what she’s done, what’s worked for her, and her recommendations for taking your own business forward.”

Lisa Nelson RD
Online Business Manager

“The OBBW was a wonderful workshop-yes, we worked-in a wonderful location. The collaborative nature of the event made revelations, breakthroughs, insights easier to occur. The supportive nature of the event participants and leader also made it easier to derive important and “doable” results.

Alicia is a superb leader: open, honest, calm, and willing to share. As such, the participants are much the same and the whole seems like a collaborative effort at mutual success. Many opportunities for business of all sorts were exposed and encouraged. The event was very well paced, full of content, and allowed for time to process and interact with the material and participants. A quality event in all aspects.”

Michael J. Hillsey

“I had so many aha’s at Alicia’s OBBW, but here are a few of them. The idea of the list being the foundation of your business was a theme that was woven throughout and very helpful.  As a result, I’m spending time every day on list building.  Creating my signature system was my favorite part of Day 2 without a doubt!  How great to have that done and to have created it so easily. My favorite part of Day 3 was the money mindset and the daily tracking form.

I’m feeling more positive and empowered than ever that I can make a go of building my six-figure business. I’m also feeling like more an expert now that I have a signature system.

And the location of Portsmouth was great. I loved the city and the people and even though I’m vegan the food options were plentiful and easy to come by.

I’m so excited to implement what I’ve learned! Thanks for everything, Alicia!”

Michele Christensen
Business Strategist for Solopreneurs

“The most important content for me personally was Day 1.  I am just beginning to start a business and everything we covered was just what I needed.  Also on day 2, how to create your signature system was very awesome and made it so easy.  Even though I haven’t narrowed my niche, when I do creating a system will be easy-peasy.

I can’t imagine changing a thing!  The most important aspect (besides the content) to me for choosing OBBW was the fact it was limited to such a small number of participants.  I was not disappointed.  By the end of the seminar I had an opportunity to connect with most of the others.

Thank you so much for a great three days.  I can’t wait until next year’s OBBW so I can share my accomplishments from LEAP Gold!

Thanks so much for being you!  You did not disappoint!”

Cheryl L. Lachman RN LNC
Legal Nurse Consultant

“I loved, loved, loved Alicia Forest’s OBBW!  This is the only event of it’s type that I’ve attended where it was 100% content.  Alicia gave us so much marketing information that I could easily implement and make more money
(which I already have!!!).  She’s also very generous of spirit – answering all of my questions – which is priceless.  Looking forward to learning more from her.

Thank you, Alicia.”

Kate Beeders

“I have attended many workshops/conferences that were more than a one day event. At some point on the afternoon of the final day I would be looking at my watch and secretly hoping for early dismissal. This was the first time I looked at my watch on the final day of an event and felt extremely disappointed that it was going to end soon.”

Connie Hammer

“Having an online business for almost 4 years, I researched very thoroughly who I wanted to learn from and Alicia did not disappoint!

I made a commitment that I would go to ONE workshop during ‘event season’ and wow, am I ever glad that I chose OBBW to attend.

Alicia is so refreshing, honest, and open about what has worked for her and what hasn’t and generously shares all of her knowledge with you! I know a lot about the mechanics of building an online business, but I was really amazed at how much I learned at OBBW. I’m already implementing some of the terrific strategies on a brand new program which I know will ensure that it is a smashing success! And of course I’ll be reporting back, because I’ve already signed up to attend in the Spring!

As a former teacher, I know a good teacher when I see one and Alicia sets the bar high. She ensured that everyone was learning at a pace that was good for them and prevented overwhelmed by clarifying and patiently answering questions. Her calm presence truly made the event flow in a warm and comfortable way (which definitely resonated with me!).

The Money Mastery portion of the workshop was my favorite, it was enlightening and thought-provoking and I learned a lot about how of been treating money in my business. I can’t wait to see how these shifts show up professionally!

And the icing on the cake was staying in Portsmouth, a cozy, cool, hip town with a bit of funky thrown in. It was a wonderful place to get to know other attendees and create that great cohesiveness that a good conference facilitates. Hopefully I’ll get to meet YOU at the next OBBW!”

Danielle Miller
One Smart Cookie, LLC
Create the Life You Crave!

“Being a part of Alicia’s Online Business Breakthrough workshop was such a great opportunity. I loved the way Alicia presented the material and encouraged each of the attendees that although this was the exact blueprint she used to build her 6 figure online business, that we should tailor the blueprint to fit each of our unique businesses.

I was very impressed with the variety of business types that participated and at what stages. For me, I am at the beginning of my internet journey and for others, they had been at it for awhile. This created a wonderful opportunity to see how others in other fields and niches were running their online businesses. A very unique and beneficial experience.”

Ann Miles-Fafard

“The OBBW event was incredible! This was the first live event I have gone too and it was so worth it! I can’t wait for the next one! I had so many a-ha moments and shifts in my beliefs that I couldn’t wait to get back to work to start implementing and changing everything that I had come up with.

I met a lot of wonderful people and learned so much from everyone there. I loved that we could interact with both Alicia and others and it seemed to fly by. I had so much fun!

I have already started making some of the changes that Alicia taught me and it is already making a huge impact in both my life and business! Alicia is a wonderful coach and teacher and I highly recommend this event to anyone that is ready to really step up in their business and make some changes to get to the next level!”

Erin Alli

“After having been in business for almost seven years, I realized it was time to get some formal training on bringing my services and products to a wider virtual audience. Alicia’s 21 Steps program was just what I needed to boost the online aspects of my business.

I had never paid attention to formal list-building, for example, and my languishing list had only grown 2% in the six months before starting the program. But after I started implementing Alicia’s teachings, my list grew 15% in the next six months, a clear result of implementing tools from the training.

The 21 Steps program prompted me to begin surveying my community to find out what kinds of virtual training topics they would be interested in, resulting in my first signature program on engaging the audience, a training I didn’t know my community wanted before I started asking questions.

I refined my pricing, increased the frequency of my newsletter, offered my first free teleseminar, improved the visual appeal of my free opt-in, learned to create a sales page and developed my first program launch —
all from the teachings of the 21 Steps program.

Alicia’s coaching style is relaxed, approachable and encouraging, making the program a pleasure to participate in. January 2013 was my best month ever in sales, and I can attribute this business growth directly to Alicia’s concrete, practical and extremely relevant content, which I can return to again and again when I need to give my list or sales a boost.”

Lisa Braithwaite
Public Speaking Coach and Trainer



“I have to say; of all the presenters that I’ve been too she is so amazing. In many of the conferences that I’ve been to there’s been this, “do this-this way do that this way”, but Alicia really has this beautiful way of presenting options in things that but listen to your gut. What does your heart say? This really brings me back to the place of what makes heart sing. Because when I come from a place of my heart and my gut, I can make a greater impact with my clients and I’m able to help them heal and a much more powerful way because I’m not doing it, I’m actually being it. And that’s the piece that Alicia has brought to this conference that I often don’t get. Is that place of being who I am in the world from a really strong and powerful place and being able to have it done with steps that are doable and that can allow me to grow in a way that I have not been able to before. Alicia, thank you and I will be coming back to continue to work with you.”

Teresa Lea

“This workshop has been truly incredible. Alicia has been so real and approachable. She’s given us the opportunity to ask her one-on-one questions that you wouldn’t normally get in a workshop. What I’ve really been able to do during these three days, is really crystallize my signature system. I had a system, but now it just feels so real and I can see how I’ll be able to use that system for all of my products and multiple price points. So I’m excited about that! My list building strategies which I’ve been utilizing, now again, I feel like I have a plan. I feel like I have a plan with action! So thanks so much Alicia.”

Clare Luffman
Accountability Coach

“Before I met and worked with Alicia I was a frantic, confused and overwhelmed entrepreneur who was struggling to find ‘my’ path to success. Months later I was transformed into a calm, realistic and much more focused business owner.  I had a clear and customized vision of the path that would take me to where I wanted to go; a system that would help me manage the chaos along the way and a map to prevent me from straying and protect me from getting lost again.

Knowing what I know now I would have invested in such a program much sooner instead of trying on my own with small investments here and there. They did help me move forward, but at a snails pace, and unfortunately maintained my confusion with too many voices giving me varied and sometimes conflicting advice. If you are starting a business – save yourself time, money and effort by doing it right the first time with Alicia’s expert guidance.”

Connie Hammer, LMSW & PCI Certified Parent Coach ®
Parent Coaching for Autism, a subsidiary of The Progressive Parent, LLC

“I just want to say that this has been one of the best workshops I’ve ever been to because it’s actually a workshop and not just a “rah-rah you’re going to do great next year” kind of a thing. Through Alicia’s workshop, I’ve been able to silicify who my target market is and what my passion is. What I really want to help them with. Going forward I now have a system that I’m going to be able to help a lot more people because now I know what I’m doing every time, all the time. Thanks Alicia!”

Crystal Pina

“I just wanted to let you know that if you’re ever wondering, “Should I ever get into business? Is this the right thing for me?” ,you need to check out Alicia Forest because she has a blueprint that will tell you step-by-step what to do. She’s personable, she’s down to earth, she’s fun and she’ll give you each and every one of the steps, so check her out at www.aliciaforest.com.”

Cindy Melton

“I’ve been in involved with Alicia Forest for a number of years and every newsletter she sends out she’s so content involved and such an amazing and generous woman. I couldn’t be happier that I made the decision to come here to online business breakthrough workshop. I’ve had so many breakthroughs… I can’t even tell you how many I’ve breakthroughs had! My signature system that I wanted to develop for a number of years has come through very solidly. And I have more confidence than ever that I’ll have a very sustainable business for many years to come – forever really, so it’s been an honor. If you’re thinking about it, defiantly go to this event.”

Anne Deidre

“I’ve been following Alicia forest for a few years. I always knew I wanted to work with her at some point and the timing has been right now. It’s the last day of our Online Business Breakthrough Workshop and there definitely have been lots of breakthroughs. One of the big ones was that I’ve struggled to create a signature system for years and just by doing the simple technique that we did, I have it really solid and clear. The highlight for me at this event has been the environment that has been created. The support of all the woman that have been here. Where there’s no judgment and I can really be myself and share openly the struggles and successes and get that support and feedback from other people. That is defiantly unique to any business type event that I’ve ever been to, so I’m really excited. And I encourage you to consider attending this because being here in person has to be experienced to really know that power of this event.”

Melissa Kitto

“I’m thrilled to say that I’ve had another successful and really wonderful time at OBBW with Alicia Forest. This to me was amazing because it was the year that I took all the information and everything that I learned from working with Alicia privately, and coming from her 1st OBBW to her 2nd one, it finally allowed everything to mesh. I’m leaving with my signature system all outlined and ready to go so that I can start making more money in my business, so I’m thrilled. I highly recommend coming.”

Jeannie Spiro

“I want to thank Alicia for allowing us this space and this opportunity not only to acknowledge and be proud of where we are, but to look at the future with an open mind and to be able to see the possibilities that are out there for us. And to make you feel like it’s not difficult, it can be done, and we can achieve it! And that’s what I’ve felt over the course of this program especially with everyone else in the room. I feel that we’re all on our way and it’s because of the great training were getting from Alicia. I also want to thank Alicia for the scholarship because I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t gotten the scholarship to come, so thank you.”

Lisa Braithwaite

“I’ve been to a lot of different master minds, coach environments and to a lot of different events and I have to say that one of the reasons I came to Alicia’s event is because she happens to be in New Hampshire with this event, where I live, but also because I’ve respected her for a number of years. We’ve shared the virtual stage together on a number of different events. And I really wanted to spend some time with her in person, because what she has created is a business that a lot of us are dreaming of (where she can take the entire summer off), so that really excited me. And what I want to say about the event is that Alicia has provided incredibly valuable content. Many of us in the room have had really powerful transformations and she’s done it in a way that is so graceful and open hearted. If you are thinking about doing the Online Business Breakthrough Workshop next year or a working with Alicia, I would highly recommend it. She is one of those heart centered entrepreneurs that are truly heart centered.”

Amethyst Wyldfyre

“I am attending Alicia L.E.A.P. event, OBBW 2013, which I absolutely love and highly recommend to anybody, whether you’re a new entrepreneur or you’re seasoned, she’s giving so many great tips that are easy to implements. A lot of them are very cost efficient and they’re going to take your business to the next level. She’s given out some really huge tips on how to increase your list, which is so important because that’s how we get our clients. So, I hope I’ll see you here at next year’s event!”

Kate Beeders

“I really enjoyed the signature system (at OBBW) and going through that exercise. It really cemented things for me and the way I do things. I can really use that in a lot of different ways. The cementing process from my current system and then making an online system as well, using that process. That process was one of most valuable pieces of information for me.”

Deborah Lee Moulton

“This is my 2nd time at here OBBW. It remains a great experience. Last year was great and this year is even greater. For a couple of reasons, one is a great follow-up to the 21-steps program that I did earlier this year. And secondly although the material in many ways is the same as last year, it’s really beneficial because I’m looking at it through a different lens or I’m in a different point in my life, so I’m seeing the information from a different prospective. And more importantly I’m getting some great ideas from the material again this year. So, it’s defiantly worth your while to come to OBBW. “

Bill McPeck

“We have a new product with www.masteringyourgoals.com and we are here (at OBBW 2013) learning so much from Alicia about how to market our software and our program. And we are just so excited to take all this information back and implement it right away. She just gives so-so much great content. We’re just so thrilled to be here!”

“And this is my 2nd year. I didn’t get to enjoy Jamie’s company last year. I brought her along this year because two years in a row I have learned so much. My business is in a different place and what I learned last year, I implemented. Now I’m learning a whole new set of information and now we’re going to go back and implement it. So year after year ladies and gentlemen…”

Jamie Willett & Ann Fafard

“This weekend (at OBBW 2013) has been really great. What I’m walking away with is the signature system which gives me the clarity and direction to know what to do next. Thanks so much.”

Nate Grobatree

“I am so happy to be here with Alicia Forest at OBBW. It has been fabulous. Before I came here I was really struggling with what steps to implement to build my business and really I was really failing with my niche. This has helped me to hone that in and now I’m walking away with a plan on what I want to do and what steps to take. I’m ready to get home and start implementing.”

Lesley V. Ingves
Success Coach

“I’ve been working with Alicia for over two years now and it’s hard to summaries everything in a quick 30 second interview how fantastic she is. This is my 2nd workshop that I’ve been to and I’m amazed at the breakthroughs I’m getting. I’m leaving here with yet another signature system. I also worked with her as a private client last of hers year and just having her in my corner was amazing. She will rock your business world and I highly recommend working with Alicia. She’s just awesome.”

Donna Ashton

“We’re just about done wrapping up Alicia’s 3 day Online Business breakthrough workshop here in beautiful Portsmouth, NH. And I got a lot of great stuff out of this workshop, but two things really grabbed me. One is the exercise we did today where we talked about some of the benefits people get from working with me and some of the costs they occur from not working with with me. Really hammered home my value and what I can do for people. And it made me feel really proud and excited about what I can offer to people. And the other thing I am super-super excited about is having my signature system done. And I have to admit I had no idea coming in here how I was going to have a signature system done in a three day workshop, but she guided us through it and it’s done! And I am so excited! I actually couldn’t fall asleep last night because I was so excited I stayed up working on it. I am very-very pumped to get that in print and ready for print by the end of the year. Thanks Alicia!”

Michele Christensen
Business Strategist for Solopreneurs
(310) 291-1479

“At the Online Business Breakthrough Workshop, one thing that really resonated with me was the structure and the ideas. I have all these ideas in my head, and was great to have an actual format and structure. And I’m leaving here with plans to put in place; an actual plan and structure, which I’ve never had. So I got a lot from the Online Business Breakthrough Workshop this weekend.”

Tara McGillicuddy
Founder and Director

“To pick just one thing would be impossible because I feel like I have so many gold nuggets of things to actually implement when I leave. Alicia is fabulous in being so authentic and giving us so many specific tools and having a plan for when we leave. But I especially loved the information that she gave us on our money style and then a very specific tool with how to know what our value is that we provide to our clients. And that’s really what I needed to get really clear on the value that I give them in multiple areas in their life. And it was a template that I’ve never seen before and got so much value out of it, so thank you Alicia! These three days have been fabulous. I’m going home with tons of amazing ideas. Thank you.”

Michelle Wilson, LMHC

“I’m so excited that I got a chance to be at Alicia’s OBBW workshop. I came into it wanting to get my signature system done and I’m leaving having the exact frame work. I know what I’m going to do and I know how I’m going to build multiple streams of income with this particular product. There’s so much value I’ve gotten out of doing this, but that’s just one piece. And I’m so looking forward to implementing everything I’ve learned from this workshop. Thanks!”

Jeannie Spiro

“I’m here in Portsmouth, NH for Alicia’s OBBW. And I’m telling you it’s just been fantastic. Alicia is just so approachable and I think teachable. I don’t have a business yet, and I thought that maybe I would feel out of place here, but I’ve been made so comfortable. And all the steps that I’ve learned is exactly what I need to go home and start implementing from scratch. So it’s awesome for someone who actually doesn’t know where to go yet, because that’s been my problem and Alicia has given me that piece. So I can go home and then I can go forward from there. I want to thank Alicia with all my heart. And everybody that I’ve met here has been wonderful and so support of everyone in the room. It’s just been an awesome experience and I hope to get back here next year. I can’t wait!”

Cheryl Lachman RN LNC
Legal Nurse Consultant

“This weekend with Alicia in her Online Business Breakthrough Workshop has been amazing and it has replaced my business worries and concerns with a lot of relief, results, confidents and joy. So thank you Alicia for all of your wisdom. And the other bonus was this amazing network of wonderful people. Thanks!”

Connie Hammer

“I came to Alicia Forest’s OBBW for the Signature Program, trying to get more clarification on that, and I walked away with so much more. The first day I started implementing stuff right away, so I am very excited and happy. I look forward to next year.”

Doreen Dilger
Home Based Business Coach

“I was really excited to come here because I’m just starting out. I started my business this spring (2011) and really just beginning and had no idea about any of this stuff. So, I think the most value thing I found was the multiple resources with the sharing of all the participants, the expertise and knowledge from Alicia. What I’m leaving here with is such hope and excitement that I can do this myself and I have people I can ask help of. Thank you very much.”

Elizabeth Scala MSN/MBA, RN
Founder of Sublime Wellness